Gather ye, lords and ladies, forsooth, it's the funniest musical in 400 years!
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The Cache Valley Arts Summit is a network of artists and more than 20 arts organizations that meet quarterly to coordinate calendars, promote best practices, and partner on projects. We’ve been meeting for more than 10 years and have done some pretty amazing things. Please join us!
We have held public town halls, professional development training, and we have hosted events where candidates for public office can share their platform on the arts. We discuss trends and review public policy and strategize ways to raise the perception of the public value of the arts. Many opportunities for collaboration arise from the meetings, and conversations tend to continue in stairwells and hallways long after we officially adjourn. Groups planning art events will often “pitch” their ideas at the Arts Summit to build buy-in and awareness of needs and opportunities.
August TBA
In 2016, Logan arts participated in the Arts&Economic Prosperity 5 study – a project by Americans for the Arts. Study results HERE.
In 2012 participants banded together to raise awareness of the Recreation, Arts, Parks and Zoos Tax, speaking up for both the arts and recreational benefits to our community and helping achieve a 86% reauthorization in the public vote in our very conservative community – the highest approval of any community in the state that year.
In 2008 with Creative Communities Initiative funding from the Utah Arts Council we installed a radio studio for Utah Public Radio in an empty Main Street storefront with a vision of downtown broadcasting that could be seen from the street.
In 2007 with Creative Communities Initiative funding from the Utah Arts Council we established the Cache Valley Arts District and helped return Summerfest to Tabernacle Block in Logan’s historic downtown. We started a shared calendar of arts events that promoted more than 20 arts organizations and mailed them to the 17,000 people on our combined mailing lists. We purchased additional arms for the banner poles the city was putting in as part of a sidewalk remodel and put arts district banners on them.