Únase a nuestro fabuloso cuerpo de ujieres voluntarios, ayude a colgar carteles y entregar folletos o conviértase en uno del pequeño ejército de profesionales que contribuyen con sus habilidades especiales al Centro de las Artes de Cache Valley. Los servicios que se han aportado al Centro incluyen diseño gráfico, reparación de muebles, soporte informático, marketing, servicios legales y contables y diseño de interiores.
Posiciones disponibles:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are ushers required to do?
Stand for extended periods of time
Negotiate and climb stairs
Provide friendly assistance for patrons before, during, and after the performance
Accurately read small print on tickets
Be 16 years of age or older
Adhere to the dress-code
Be on-time and reliable
Assist in event preparation (stuffing programs, light dusting, table set-up, etc.)
Be a team player who is able to work well with others and the ability to work and communicate effectively with people of diverse backgrounds
Remain calm in the event of an emergency
What are ushers responsible for?
Having a full understanding of the operating policies and house rules
Being attentive to and working under the House Manager
Monitoring and maximizing safety at all times
Knowing entire seating layout to escort patrons to appropriate section and seat
Having the ability to meet the public with courtesy and enthusiasm
Following written procedures as specified in all material distributed
Seating patrons in an efficient and non-disruptive manner
Assisting with late seating requirements
Monitoring their designated area during all performances
Having a total understanding of emergency procedures
Being easily accessible during the performance whenever needed
Where do I get to usher?
We provide the ushering staff for all events at the Ellen Eccles Theatre?
How often will I be asked to volunteer?
Ushers are asked to volunteer for at least one event every two-three months. Depending on how many events are scheduled each month, you may be asked to work a little more or a little less. Ushers are typically able to sign up for events that fit their schedule.
How long is each ushering shift?
An average usher shift is 3 to 5 hours.
How do I sign up for events?
You choose the events or venues you are interested in and then sign up for those shifts in our online scheduling program.
Do volunteer ushers get a seat at performances?
You are not guaranteed a seat when ushering, as each performance can sell out. You should be prepared to stand for the duration of your shift.
Is there a dress code?
Yes, we ask all ushers to wear a black top with black pants or skirt, or a black dress and black closed-toe shoes.​
We are grateful to those who wish to volunteer their service to the Cache Valley Center for the Arts, and we believe the benefits are rewarding.